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Organizing Committee

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Institute of Urban Design and Planning
Leibniz University Hannover


Prof. Jörg Schröder

Architect and urban planner, highlights design research, strategic governance, and territorial innovation for “Future Habitats”. He is Full Professor in urbanism at Leibniz Universität Hannover and Dean for research of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape.

Department of Architecture
University of Palermo

Prof. Maurizio Carta

Architect, PhD, Full Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the Department of Architecture of the University ofPalermo. Author of several urban, landscape and strategic plans in Italy and author of several publications, amongst them:Futuro. Politiche per un diverso presente (Rubbettino Editore, 2019).

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Prof. Alessandra Badami

Architect, PhD, Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo. Author of several publications, amongst them: Gibellina, la città che visse due volte (FrancoAngeli, 2020).


Prof. Daniele Ronsivalle

Architect, PhD, Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo Author of several publications, amongst them: Luoghi, territori, paesaggi. Intelligenze collettive per la pianificazione nel Neoantropocene (FrancoAngeli, 2018).


Dr. Arch. Barbara  Lino

Architect, PhD, Researcher of Urban and Regional Planning at the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo. She writes about cities, suburbs regeneration and local development strategies. Author of national and international articles and books, amongst them: Periferie in trasform-azione. Riflessioni dai "margini" delle città (Alinea, 2013).


Dr. Arch. Annalisa Contato

Architect, PhD, researcher of Urban and Regional Planning at the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo. She writes about Inner Cities, local development and polycentric development. Author of national and international articles and books, amongst them: Policentrismo reticolare (FrancoAngeli, 2019).


Dr. Arch.


Federica Scaffidi

Researcher and Lecturer

in Urban Design and Planning, Leibniz Universität Hannover. Her research interests concern recycling practices, social innovation and urban-rural development. Visiting researcher at ETSAM of Madrid, Polytechnic of Turin and LUH. PhD, Doctor Europaeus at University of Palermo.


M.Sc. M.A.


Riccarda Cappeller

Researcher, Lecturer,  PhD candidate in Urban Design and Planning, Leibniz Universität Hannover with interest in design methods for mixed urban spaces. Since 2015 Architectural Journalist at baunetz, Politik&Kultur. MA of Visual Sociology, Goldsmiths University London, MA in Architecture, 

Bauhaus Universität Weimar.


Dipl.-Ing. Arch.


Alissa Diesch

Dipl.-Ing. Arch. TUM (2012), since 2018 Researcher and Lecturer at LUH. Since 2016 PhD candidate at TUM. From 2015-2018 lecturer and leader of the research group Habitat socio-cultural at UGC, Colombia. DAAD PhD research scholarship in Colombia 2017.

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